In November 2022, a number of John Bapst students traveled to Salem and Plymouth, MA for an educational trip through the Social Sciences and English Departments. The trip supported what is studied in Bapst’s AP U.S. History, American History, Honors English II, and English II classes and included a look at life in colonial New England, Puritanism, and the Salem witch trials.
To support the study, texts such as The Crucible and various works by Nathaniel Hawthorne had been read. The trip brought to life the ideas and the people studied in the classroom.
Included in the trip was a private, interactive performance of “Cry Innocent,” the trial of Bridget Bishop, tours of the Peabody Essex Museum, and The House of the Seven Gables. Also included was a private walking tour of the original site of Plimoth Plantation, a visit to Plymouth Rock and the burial site of William Bradford, a trip to a recreated Wampanoag Homesite, and an “Eat Like a Pilgrim” meal hosted by a culinary historian.
The trip is offered annually at John Bapst and is lead by the English and Social Sciences departments.