Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-30 to 2-4).pdf
Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023
Good Afternoon,
As I type this message, the Competition Cheer team is fresh off a great victory in the Penobscot Valley Conference competition! A very heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS goes out to the girls and their coaches as they are now the 2023 PVC CHAMPIONS! Well done!
WE ARE FINALLY INTO THE SECOND SEMESTER! We hope exams went well for all of you, and we are anxious for you to get off to a good start in the third quarter of the school year. If you struggled, this will be a welcome fresh start. If you did just “okay,” but could get more organized, and improve your grades, you too can take advantage of the new beginning. If you did well, and finished the semester strong, then be consistent, do not become complacent, and keep up the good work.
At the same time, the stakes are increasingly higher in the athletic arenas. We are making a final push toward the postseason. We will be attempting to qualify for regional and state championship competitions in our more individual sports. We will be looking for vital “heal point worthy” victories in our team sports. The final stretch is near!
The message, in the classroom, or in the gyms, rinks, pools, and field houses, is the same. Be consistent. Keep putting in the work for the final race to the end of the season. Don’t become complacent. Stay hungry to improve so when you get your chance in the postseason, you are ready. Continue to work and compete. Every day you control having a positive mindset and how hard you are willing to work. Don’t take one minute of this time for granted. Push yourself every day.
Oh yeah, and when you are done at the end of the day, get some rest, hydrate, eat well, recover, and then…GET BACK TO IT the next day!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (doconnell@johnbapst.org)