Good Morning,
We hope this finds you all enjoying your holiday weekend!
We are excited to see you all tomorrow for the official start to the school year! We hope you have a wonderful day!
The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (9-2 to 9-9) is attached. Also attached are the competition schedules for the season (as they are currently constructed), by sport, and then there is one cumulative fall sports schedule. There will be additions and changes, and we will try to get that information out as soon as possible when it happens.
We have a school store for apparel with John Bapst logos on it, through Wight’s Sporting Goods. Items can be ordered, and shipped directly to your house using the following link:
If you have not done so already, please get your paperwork turned in. Thank you!
Have a great day, get some rest and we will look forward to seeing you in the morning! Let’s kick off the school year with a great week!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (
2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (9-2 to 9-9)