For any questions about our international program, please contact the Director of International Recruitment and Programs, Ms. Yue Louisa Deng
Students who accept the boarding school challenge during their high school years make the transition to collegiate life with remarkable ease. Making new friends, managing your own time, keeping your room organized, and prioritizing school work will be good habits you establish at John Bapst.
In addition to our main school building, the school campus includes six residences located in Bangor’s Broadway Historic District that have been updated to accommodate the international program. Each house has a distinctive character, reflecting the historical architecture of the Bangor area while affording the comfort of modern amenities. All are within a few minutes walk to the main school building. The residence halls, along with the main building itself, form the heart of residential life for our international students.
- Within walking distance of campus, students will find shopping, restaurants, library, and entertainment.
- Each student is equipped with a bed, desk and chair, book shelf, closet or wardrobe, and a dresser in their room.
- The common area in each residence is equipped with TV, refrigerator, microwave, printer, and free laundry access (no coins needed).
- Students are responsible for their personal items and belongings and the upkeep and cleanliness of their rooms. They are also expected to contribute to the upkeep of common areas.
- Most student rooms are doubles (2 students) there are also a few singles (1 student) and triples (3 students).