Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more about contributing to the John Bapst community as a parent.
John Bapst Parents’ Association
John Bapst creates a community of students – the Parents’ Association helps to create a community of parents working together to make a great school even better.
Online volunteer form for parents/guardians.
Academic Login Portal
Parents, to access your PowerSchool account click here.
Transcript Requests
Request transcripts of current students and alumni.
Current Students
If you are a current John Bapst student and you need us to release your transcript, please print the Current Student Transcript Release and mail to:
John Bapst
Attn: Counseling Office
100 Broadway
Bangor, ME 04401
or fax it to the Counseling Office at 207-947-7694.
For current students, students under 18 require the signature of a parent or guardian to release transcript. Official transcripts must be sent directly from John Bapst to the organization you specify. (Transcripts are only considered “official” when sent directly from the school and may not be hand-delivered.)
If you are a John Bapst graduate and you need us to release your transcript, please print the Alumni Transcript Release and mail to:
John Bapst
Attn: Main Office
100 Broadway
Bangor, ME 04401
or fax it to the Main Office at 207-941-2474 or email to
Faculty recommendations are kept on file for one year after graduation. Please specify if you would like recommendations sent. Please allow 2-3 days for this request to be processed.