Experience a year at John Bapst through the eyes and lens of Jonah Bean ’24 and his Distinguished Graduate project. See more of Jonah’s work at Jonah Bean Photography
John Bapst has a robust Distinguished Graduates Program, where students pursue their passions in particular topics. They study extensively in school and extend their learning and experiences in those areas outside of class with special projects, while always mentored and supported by their faculty advisors.
Twenty-eight students (a record number), across all disciplines, participated in this year’s Distinguished Graduate Program and presented their work in Sekera Auditorium on Thursday, May 23, 2024
Congratulations to all.
Students who wish to be considered for the Distinguished Graduates Program must first apply through the department chair. Copies of approved plans are given to the Academic Dean and Counselor. Students can apply at anytime up to spring of their junior year. The student, department chair, and mentor design the course of study and special project which is submitted for approval by the department and the Academic Dean.
To find out more about this program, please contact Academic Dean Jason O’Reilly at joreilly@johnbapst.org.