Saturday, September 2, 2023
Good Afternoon,
The holiday weekend will springboard us right into a very busy week in athletics! Please be safe, and try to get some rest on your extra “day off.” The 2023 Weekly Athletic Schedule (9-4 to 9-9) is attached.
We are now in full swing with competition for the fall seasons. We are also in full swing with school. Now, you will start to feel the pressures of the balancing act that is being a John Bapst student-athlete. That statement should not scare you or intimidate you. It is meant to remind you “YOU CAN DO IT!” It might not be easy every day, but you are capable of handling the workload and we want to support you. Please communicate with your teachers, your coaches, and your families,and let us know how we can help you.
Tuesday is our athletic photo day. Monty Rand photography will be on hand to take each athlete’s individual photo. The photo session is during lunch, from 11am to 12:30pm. Athletes are photographed on a first come, first serve basis. They use the photos to create the team photos used on social media, and in our yearbook, and of course in our photo orders. ALL STUDENT-ATHLETES should be photographed. Your coaches will tell you which uniform to wear, and you should wear the entire thing. Please don’t arrive in just a jersey. The whole uniform is necessary. The photo order forms are attached and there is an online ordering option. Go to for more information.
We are looking for ball runners for soccer on Thursday. There are two games. The varsity plays at 4 p.m. and the JV team plays at 5:30 p.m. at the University of Maine. If you are available, and willing, to come work the game, let me know!
There are some big games, matches, and meets on the schedule this week. No matter the situation, GO FOR IT! Whatever that means to you, do it! Don’t let these opportunities pass you by. Don’t take them for granted. Embrace and enjoy every one of them!
Have a great weekend, and let’s have a great week! GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (