Sunday, August 20, 2023
Good Morning,
Congratulations on finishing your first week! We are off to a fast start with multiple practices and training sessions, and even scrimmages under our belt for some programs. This week gets even busier as we sprinkle in New Student-Parent Orientation, music camp and even more preseason competition! Good luck!
This week marks our annual summer tradition, John Bapst Music Camp. It will take place at John Bapst, at 100 Broadway. It will be Monday and Tuesday (12 noon to 3 p.m.). All interested students, including student-athletes should attend. There are a few minor conflicts with some teams on the late end of the schedule. If you are a musician, and an athlete, please communicate those conflicts to your instructors and your coaches. We are confident we can work them out for you! Have fun!
Thursday evening brings our annual New Student-Parent Orientation night. That, too, is held at John Bapst (6:30 p.m. in the auditorium). All new students and their parents/guardians should try to attend. The group can expect to hear from administrators about what to expect as a John Bapst family, learn the nuts and bolts of the school, and students may walk through their schedules and try out lockers. Student-athletes are excused from athletic activities that evening, as necessary. We understand that you may need to leave training early, or not attend at all, in order to make it home to be prepared and back to school for the event. Please communicate your needs to your coaches. They are aware of the event, and will work with you to be sure you can attend. Enjoy!
The two pieces of “Athletic Paperwork,” our Parent Consent Form, and Physical Form, both of which are attached, are required to be a student-athlete. Please send them to the athletic director, digitally, or drop them off in the main office at 100 Broadway (8 a.m.-to 2 p.m.). Thank you!
Athlete/Parent zoom meetings for Field Hockey, Girls Soccer and Cross Country will be held this week, on Wednesday evening. “Zoom links” for each session will be sent out at the front of the week. Each athlete and a parent/guardian should plan to attend. See you soon!
During this hectic time before school starts, there may be changes to the plan for a number of reasons. Changes based on facilities, weather, special events, and each program’s needs may force us to adapt and adjust the schedule that is attached. Especially until school starts, please continue to use your coaches as your first contact for these types of adjustments. At the same time, if you have a conflict that arises, please afford your coaches the same courtesy. As always, if you are unsure how to proceed, or need any help at all, you can reach the Athletic Director at Thank you!
Please, take care of your bodies during the remainder of the preseason and beyond. You must drink enough water. Eat well. You must use your sunscreen. Please report injuries to your coaches. We want you to remain healthy and in top shape to compete. GO TO BED AT A DECENT HOUR AT NIGHT! Put the phones down. Let your body and your mind rest! You will be better for it! Sleep well!
At the end of these paragraphs, it is very intentional they end with phrases like “Good luck, Have fun, and Enjoy, Thank you, and even Sleep Well!” Those sentiments are not lost on all of us here at John Bapst. We know you are working hard, we know you have busy schedules, and we know it is a huge task to be a student at John Bapst. At the end of the day, we want each and everyone of you to have a positive experience. We want you to commit, and learn, and work hard, and we want you to compete, achieve, and have fun! Through it all, we want to support you, we thank you for all you do, and we are so proud of your efforts!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (
2023 Weekly Athletic Schedule (8-21 to 8-26).pdf