Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Hello All,
We hope this email finds everyone well after a safe and restful Memorial Day Weekend.
The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (5-27 to 6-1) is attached.
By the time this week ends we will have flipped the calendar to June! This week also marks the final week of regular season competitions for all sports. It is a shortened and busy week. There have been changes due to the weather, and there are likely to be more. Please pay attention to the details for your sport!
This is also a very important week academically. For seniors with finals, good luck on your exams. For the underclassmen, with just a week to go before your own finals week, it is imperative you finish all your classwork this week on time and in a complete manner. If you have outstanding work, or need extra help, please communicate with your teachers.
The second half of the week will feature some of our most special events of the year including senior night games, state championship competitions, John Bapst Class Night, and graduation! There will be more details to follow about those events, and we are looking forward to a great week!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (doconnell@johnbapst.org)