April 1, 2022
Good Evening,
Okay…so it hasn’t been the nicest week with regard to weather. But we’re gaining warmth and daylight with each passing week! We’re into the fourth quarter of the school year and we are headed for great things this spring and early summer! Hang in there!
The Weekly Athletic Schedule (4-4 to 4-9) is attached. As we dive deeper into preseason, please inspect the schedule for different locations and workout times. Communicate with your coaches if you have conflicts. We want you to be committed to your athletic endeavors, but please remember it is a privilege to participate in athletics. Your academic commitments must come first. Work hard to get your work done in a timely manner. Hand in a quality product. Put forth the same effort on the field, in the gym, on the track, or on the court. Work to prove the meaning of student-athlete.
Please make sure you have turned in your athletics paperwork (Parent Consent/Athlete-Parent Contract/Physical Form). Most of you have done so and I appreciate it. There are some with outstanding forms. You will be called on that this week. Let’s not miss time because we didn’t submit a form. If there is an issue please let us know.
As we branch out into other facilities, remember we are guests. Please leave the facility better than you found it, including our own Darling Center. Please don’t leave belongings behind. Please note, anything left in the Darling Center as of Sunday will be moved to the Lost and Found area on the third floor at 100 Broadway. Throw trash in the proper receptacles. Flush toilets. Be respectful. We are lucky to have and use what we do. Please take pride in all the facilities we enjoy.
Be leaders. Do the right thing in school. If you’re supposed to be somewhere, get there. If you are not supposed to be somewhere, stay out. Be quiet during announcements. Be respectful of others and their time. Be great school citizens. Lead the way toward great school culture. Thank you!
Finally, have fun. Enjoy working to improve. Enjoy encouraging your teammates. Enjoy the destination that is one common goal of success. Enjoy the opportunity to compete in the sports you love.
How we prepare now, and how we commit to getting better will pay dividends down the road. Don’t waste an opportunity. Make them all count.
We are rooting for you! GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (doconnell@johnbapst.org)
Weekly Athletic Schedule–(4-4 to 4-9).pdf
John Bapst Athletics–Parent Consent Form.pdf
John Bapst Athletics–Participant and Parent Contract Form.pdf