Saturday, April 13, 2024
Good Afternoon,
I hope this finds you all enjoying the first weekend of our spring break! The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (4-15 to 4-20) is attached.
By the end of this week, Boys and Girls Lacrosse, Baseball, and Outdoor Track will have started their regular seasons. Softball and Tennis will do the same next week. Good luck to all of you this week in preseason and REGULAR season competitions!
The fourth quarter is off to a great start. Believe it or not, after break, school will be over, for the summer, in just 7 weeks! While the weather will improve, and there will be many celebratory events over that time, there is still work to be done in the classroom! That work must continue to be your priority. If you are a bit behind, please, use the break to catch up. If you are caught up, take a break for sure, but find a bit of time to set your self up to finish strong. More than anything, get ready to spend the next seven weeks making your academics a priority so you can enjoy all that the spring and fourth quarter has to offer at John Bapst!
Because we are away from school this week, especially, your coaches should be your first and most important points of contact for any schedule conflicts. They will certainly be in touch if there are changes. Be sure to communicate if you won’t be at an activity over break. Thank you!
Most importantly, no matter what you are doing over break, please, please, please, stick together, make good decisions, and be safe!
Let’s have a great week! GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (