Saturday, March 30, 2024
Good Afternoon,
We hope this finds you all well. The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (4-1 to 4-6) is attached.
As we turn the calendar to April, and begin the fourth ranking period of the school year, all of our spring sports will have started their preseason training this week. We realize the weather may not make you feel like it, but the spring season will go by like a blur! Work hard in the preseason to be sure you get the results you want during the regular season of spring competitions and beyond!
Grades closed on the third quarter last week and grades will be final after this week. Please communicate with your teachers if you have anything missing from last week. Do not make them “chase” you. Take care of your academic priorities and make sure your assignments are finished for the quarter. At the same time, use this week to get a great start for the fourth quarter. Use your time wisely, get your work done, and in a quality manner, and make sure you turn it in on time! If you have questions, or you need help, please reach out to your teachers.
Please make sure you have turned in your athletic participation and physical exam forms. They are attached (for the last time). Remember the participation form has to be filled out by everyone each season. The physical exam form needs to be filled out once per calendar year. Those forms can be sent to or turned in to the main office at school. Thank you!
Game and Competition schedules will be published this week. They can be found on the google calendar at Your coaches will also have a copy once they are confirmed with each venue, our opponents, and any necessary officials. Coaches will let you know when they are published and remind you how to see them.
We will practice at several different venues this week. In preseason alone, in this the first week in April, we have the potential to practice or train at as many as 10 different venues during the week. Please be respectful of the rules and the conditions of the facilities we use. Please leave them better than you found them, if possible. We are fortunate to have the opportunities we do. Please make sure our actions show we are grateful to be able to use them. Thank you!
The “Mini Bus” will leave the parking lot behind 80 Broadway, for many runs to different events each day. Please remember, if you want to ride the bus, you must email Coach O each day, before noon if possible, about your intentions. This allows us to plan our time based on the number of riders we have for each trip. Thank you in advance for being diligent in reporting and requesting your needs for a ride.
Please let us know if you have any questions and let’s have a great week! GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (
2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (4-1 to 4-6).pdf