Sunday, March 17, 2024
Good Morning,
We hope this finds you all well.
This is the first athletic memo of the spring season. Each week we will send out the schedule for the following week. Please be sure to check your John Bapst email for updates each week.
Softball and Baseball will start this week with arm conditioning. PLEASE NOTE THESE CONDITIONING SESSIONS ARE PRIMARILY FOR PITCHERS AND CATCHERS AND PLAYERS WILL BE INVITED TO THEM BY THEIR COACHES. Softball will start on Monday and they will be at school or at Sluggers (in Brewer) this week. Baseball will start on Tuesday and they will be in the gym at school or at Husson University. Please check your email for invites from your coaches and pay close attention to the schedule attached to this communication.
For all others, in lacrosse, tennis, or track, your activity will begin the week of March 25th. At the front of the week a schedule of first activities and contact information for each head coach will be released. Please continue to use the sign up sheet (shared last week) to indicate your interest in playing a sport this spring. Next Friday, 3/22, the entire schedule for the week will be sent out.
Each team will have a Zoom meeting in the first two weeks of the season for athletes and parents participating in the program. Please stay tuned for links to those online meetings (softball will have theirs on Tuesday, 3/19, and the link is at the bottom of the schedule attached). We request that each athlete and one parent/guardian attend the meeting.
There are two forms that need to be submitted to play sports at John Bapst. They are the Participation Form and the Physical Form. Please fill them out and send them back to school. Email to is preferred, but if that is not possible you can turn them into the main office at school. They are attached.
Please let us know if you have any questions and we are looking forward to a great spring season. Thank you!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (