Sunday, February 18, 2024
Good Afternoon,
I hope this finds you enjoying the beginning of the winter break. The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (2-19 to 2-24) is attached.
We continue on what seems to be a speedy path through winter sports. We continue with our final senior night of the winter season (boys hockey) this week, along with several state championship competitions (boys and girls indoor track, boys and girls swim and dive). Others will spend some time getting ready for next season as allowed. All things considered, even for break and the end of the season, this too, is a busy week.
If needed, take time over break to catch up on your academic progress. If you are behind, use your time off to catch up. Communicate with your teachers and be sure you make a plan to get caught up. If you are caught up, but some of your grades need work, put some “extra time” in to improve your standing. If all is going well, use the extra time to be as prepared as possible when we return. Ultimately, use the time away from the classroom to recharge and be ready to do well during the very important spring stretch between winter and spring break (April).
Spring is around the corner, and spring sports sign-ups (baseball, girls and boys lacrosse, boys and girls tennis, boys and girls and track and field, and softball) will follow in the coming days and weeks. Until then, to those still competing, keep working hard. To those able to support their classmates as they compete, we thank you. Let’s be sure all of us continue to represent our John Bapst community the right way!
Please make good, healthy, smart choices over break. GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (