Monday, Dec. 11, 2023
Good Morning,
The 2023-24 Weekly Athletic Schedule (12-11 to 12-16) is attached.
Congratulations to all that participated in the Winter Concert and put on a great show! Well done!
After an exciting first week of winter competitions, by the end of this week almost all of our winter sports teams will be into their regular season competitions schedules. At the same time, we will transition into holiday break. Please be reminded that practices and competitions will be held during the break. While we understand there will be some conflicts with travel for the holidays, we ask that you do all you can to be at all of your team activities. Most importantly. If you are going to be away or miss something, please communicate with your coaches. Thank you.
This is a very important week in the classroom. There is classwork, homework to be done, and assessments to be taken before the break. Be prepared. Finish strong this week before you get some well deserved rest time for the holidays. Communicate with your teachers as needed to get everything done and in a quality manner. Especially if you are traveling before the school week ends, be sure you are aware of all your assignments and that you have everything you need to stay current with your academic work. Please be sure your teachers and coaches know where you will be and when. Thank you.
Continue to work hard in practice and take advantage of your opportunities to improve. Use your practice time to compete. Push each other, and be good teammates. If you have the chance, go to games and meets and support your classmates.
It is an exciting time of year! Let’s have a great week! Good luck to all!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (