Saturday, November 18, 2023
Good Morning,
The Winter Sports season is upon us! Monday we will begin practice and tryouts for Competition Cheer, Girls and Boys Basketball, Ice Hockey, Swimming and Diving, and Wrestling. Alpine Skiing and Indoor Track will begin next week.
The 2023-2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (11-20 to 11-25) is attached. Please check it carefully for workout times and locations. Also attached is contact information for our coaches and first activity details for each sport. Between asynchronous school days on Monday and Tuesday, and then Thanksgiving break, there are bound to be conflicts this week. Please communicate them to your coaches in advance. Your coaches work very hard to plan activities based on your assumed attendance. Please let them know if you will not be at a scheduled event. If you need anything please feel free to contact me at any time.
Athletic department paperwork is also due by Monday. There are two forms, the Participation form, which should be filled out and turned in by every winter student-athlete, and the Physical Form, which should be updated every calendar year from when you had your last exam. Forms can be turned in to me directly (digitally), to the athletic office, or to the main office, at school. The forms are attached. Thank you.
We will also be hosting Parent/Athlete meetings (via Zoom) over the next two weeks. This week we will be holding them on Monday (Swimming and Diving, 8 p.m.) and Tuesday (Competition Cheer, 7 p.m.). Meetings for the other winter sports will take place next week (including Boys Basketball). Links for this week’s meetings are pasted below and the links for future meetings will be in next week’s memo.
Parent/Athlete Meeting–Swimming and Diving (Monday, 11/20
Parent/Athlete Meeting–Competition Cheer (Tuesday, 11/21 7 p.m.)
We hope your Parent/Teacher conferences go well this week. Please be sure to take care of your asynchronous assignments on Monday and Tuesday. We hope you have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Day and subsequent break. Good luck this week for those starting their winter seasons! Have a great week!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (
2023-24 Weekly Athletic Schedule (11-20 to 11-25).pdf
2023-2024 Winter Sports First Activity.pdf