The Weekly Athletic Schedule (10-30 to 11-4) is attached.
Saturday, Oct.28, 2023
Good Afternoon,
Given the events in our state over the last three days, the dates, times, and locations on the schedule seem small, inconsequential, and at times this week, unimportant.
The tragic events of Wednesday, and the subsequent jolt to our way of life, are not only disruptive, jarring and emotionally draining, but they have real effects on how we operate, how we plan, and how we move forward. Very sadly for some, there will be no resolution and moving forward. The events of this week will have forever affected their lives and those of their loved ones.
After speaking with the athletic director at Lewiston High School and several colleagues and friends from the Lewiston/Auburn area this week, their collective messages LEWISTON/AUBURN AND MAINE STRONG, contained one consistent theme, let the healing begin by getting back to normal. We will support them anyway we can, and mostly by honoring their wishes.
So, here we go…
There are no games and activities this weekend. The MPA has pushed back regional (and state championships–cross country) to accommodate rescheduling of events statewide. We will resume with in-person classes, practices, playoff games, and meets on Monday. As many of you know, we are still working on details of the schedule. The dates, times, and locations of these events are very dependent on some events being made up, and their results. Everything we know now is on the schedule and as we confirm more details we will keep everyone updated.
The first quarter grading period was also extended through Wednesday. Please use this extra time, and the time you might now have this weekend, to finish the quarter the right way. If you have grades that are low and need attention, make sure you communicate with your teachers to find time this week to see them and get things finished. If you have assessments this week, make sure you are prepared to do well. Good luck!
As we finalize details of the schedule over the next two days, we will keep you up to date as soon as possible. If that weren’t enough, the weather next week doesn’t look the greatest, so that will have an effect on the schedule too. No problem, right?
In the meantime, take a minute to enjoy the weather today, remind those around you how much you care about them, and we will be happy to see you all on Monday!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (