Sunday, January 28, 2024
Good Morning,
Between the first week of the second semester (and third quarter) academically, weather delays, postponements, rescheduled events, and winter carnival spirit days, mixed with all the events that actually did happen, last week was a very busy time at John Bapst. Thank you for “going with the flow,” and making adjustments as we all made changes. We truly appreciate your flexibility.
Coming off that wild week and a busy weekend, we will flip the calendar to February this week! The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-29 to 2-3) is attached.
All of our teams are in competition action this week including more “Senior Night” events, league championship opportunities for some, and important regular season competitions for others. Please support your teammates and classmates whenever possible. That support builds our energy level, our confidence, and our community spirit and it matters!
This flurry at the end of the regular seasons, and into postseason, should not result in a lull in your academic commitment. It is important you continue to take care of your responsibilities in the classroom to get, and keep, the quarter and semester off to a good start. Please continue to communicate with your teachers and make plans that help you do well. Please communicate with your coaches when you have a conflict that affects your schedule so they can support you as well. Thank you.
The return of school announcements will be yet another avenue to communicate changes to the schedule. We will continue to send out notifications via email and social media outlets, and your coaches will continue to communicate via the same channels they have been using throughout the season. Please pay attention to the announcements each day as they will contain important information on a variety of topics.
Especially as the weather continues to be “messy,” we should continue to pay close attention to the rules and policies pertaining to school buildings and parking areas. Let’s be good neighbors around the school by only parking where we are supposed to be. Don’t block private and business driveways. Please don’t park in spots that are not ours. Make sure we are cleaning up after ourselves and leaving spaces in our school buildings better and neater than when we found them. Take pride in the opportunities we have and please represent yourself and the John Bapst community in a positive way.
Let’s have a great week and GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (