Sunday, January 21, 2024
Good Morning,
We hope this finds you all well after a successful week of mid-year exams and a strong finish to the first semester. The 2024 Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-22 to 1-29) is attached.
While the new semester begins on Monday, the winter sport season moves forward with practices, games, and competitions for all of our teams this week. Please be sure to pay attention to the schedule and plan your time wisely as you get off to a good start in the classroom for the new ranking period.
Especially after what may have been a draining week like last week, it is important for all of us to take care of our bodies. We must be sure to hydrate and eat well. Please do your best to get as much sleep as possible. Your mind and bodies need it. A combination of fuel, hard work, recovery, and rest will keep you healthy and competing. Please take care of yourselves.
Also this week, Winter Carnival will be a great chance to celebrate our community! Just like Homecoming Week in the fall, we want you to enjoy the week, support each other, and have fun! Please get involved and attend as many events as you can. Stick together, make good choices, and be safe.
This is a very important stretch of the winter athletic season. Continue to challenge each other in practice and put the time and effort into improving each day. Work hard during your competitions and support your teammates. GO FOR IT!
Let’s have a great week! GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (