Meghan Hayward reported on Step-Up Day, which we held yesterday. WABI TV5 came for a visit as eight-grade students experienced the school.
Bangor – Frightening, exciting and a new start. That’s just a few ways of looking at high school.
Eighth-graders are already starting to consider where they want to go.
John Bapst Memorial High School offered a step up day for them.
“Until you set foot into a school, you really don’t know what it’s like. It’s all theoretical. But once the kids are here, somehow the potential gels in their own minds and they get a sense of what the atmosphere of the school is really like,” said Head of School for John Bapst Memorial High School, Mel MacKay.
These kids spend most of their day at the high school, taking tours and learning about the different academics offered.
“Beyond the academic life at school we really want them to see how small, friendly and nurturing this place is,” said MacKay.
Senior leader, Taylor Flagg, remembers her step up day.
“I just had the feeling it was for me, but I didn’t really know so I went to step up day. It was amazing and I had so much fun. I really knew that this was the place for me,” said Senior, Taylor Flagg.
A place she thinks is the right fit for many.
“I think we’re a really close community. We’re all pretty much friends and I know almost everyone in this school so we’re almost like a big, happy family I guess you could say,” said Flagg.
“The teachers are absolutely wonderful. They’re always here, not just because they have to be but because they want to be and they’re willing to help. It’s a great environment to be in. It’s very supportive,” said Flagg.