Dear Members of the John Bapst Community,
I’m writing with good news as we prepare for classes on Monday.
Thankfully, yesterday’s fire in the roof over one side of the auditorium balcony resulted in limited damage. We have a cleanup job to do in that back corner of the building. The chemistry lecture room, biology lab, theater costume room, and auditorium have been affected.
Under the direction of Karl Ward of Nickerson & O’Day, roofers and other workers were on site through the night. When I arrived this morning, a new roof over the damaged area was on and the building was weather-tight. Electricity is on to 90% of the building, the heat is on, and the air scrubbers that have been brought in have removed almost all of the smoke residue.
The school sends out a special thanks to firefighter John York, who was injured yesterday and is doing better today. Chief Higgins and the crew, joined by firefighters from Brewer, Hampden, Hermon, Holden, and elsewhere and by the Bangor Police Department, demonstrated their professionalism not only in putting out the fire but in working to help us understand the situation throughout the day yesterday.
Thanks to all of you who have reached out with concern and offers of help. When the chips are down, we learn again what a strong community we are. We also learn how many people just love this old building at 100 Broadway.
Mel MacKay
Head of School
John Bapst Memorial High School