John Bapst Jazz Ensemble Wins State Championship and Makes History
The John Bapst Jazz Ensemble captured first place at the Maine State Instrumental Jazz Competition for Division III this past Saturday, March 16, 2013 at Houlton High School.
Competing for 80 individual and group awards in four divisions were 62 jazz ensembles and combos comprised of 781 musicians from all parts of Maine.
John Bapst also took home two of the Division III Outstanding Performance Awards – Matt Dunning took home the Division III top prize for his alto sax solos, and for the “first time in the history of the universe” an entire section was given the top honors for the best “solo” performance in Division III, making special congratulations in order for the trombone section – Matt Norris, Kayle Bousfield, Seraphina Provenzano, Mike Tormey, and Noah Potvin.
Congratulations to all the musicians, music supporters and boosters, and teachers who helped this group take it all the way to the top!