Mr. Michael Murphy, director of technology and advisor of the CyberDefense and Robotics Clubs, has finished his first novel, StarNet: Enlightenment, which is available for online purchase at
StarNet: Enlightenment: A strange new technology nobody really understands is transforming the world, industry by industry. Now it is poised to bring humankind to the stars.
Amelia Gravis, a precocious mid-teen never able to take, “It just works!” for an answer, will not accept the opinion of the experts. Pushing the bar, she finds herself deeper and deeper in trouble as she refuses to be silenced. With the looming launch of a probe to the next star system, Amelia discovers that having the truth isn’t enough to get people to listen, especially when reputations and careers are on the line.
This is the first book in StarNet series which tracks the emergence of humankind from a Sol-bound species to a people spread across the stars.