Congratulations to the following students for their selection to the January 2011 MMEA District V Honors Festival. These musicians finish their two days of rehearsal with a concert open to the public. This year’s festival will be held in Dover Foxcroft on January 28 and 29, 2011.
Concert Band
- Katelyn Murphy, Argyle – Tuba
- Olivia Cohen, Brewer – Clarinet
- MacKenzie Hayman, Veazie – Clarinet
- Nick Southwick, Dixmont – Flute
- Justin Lad, Glenburn -Trumpet
- Margaret Howson, Hampden – Trumpet
- Katherine Morelli, Holden – Bassoon
- Kara Cressey, Orrington – Flute
- Noah Potvin, Newport – Vocal Bass
- Adam Strang, Orrington – Vocal Bass
- Angela Frankland, Orrington – Alto
- Jaime Roy, Orrington – Alto
- Rose Upton, Orland – Soprano
- Julia Pelkey, Glenburn – Soprano
- Christina Long, Orono -Soprano
- Nick Galinski, Bangor -Tenor
- Mitchell Stewart, Veazie – Tenor