On Monday, March 13, representatives from the John Bapst Harlow “Joe” Floyd chapter of the National Honor Society attended the annual Maine National Honor Society State Banquet and Convention held in Brewer.
This year’s theme was “If You See Something, Say Something,” and the focus was on mental health awareness and support. Over four hundred students from across the state attended the conference which included experts who spoke on the topics of brain science, suicide prevention, building community, and leadership in action.
The conference also included officer speeches and elections for the 2023-2024 year. Congratulations to Gwyneth Rand ’24, who ran for and was elected as the 2023-2024 Maine State President, and Ella Brochu ’24, who ran for and was elected as the Regional Representative. They were both tasked with preparing and presenting a speech on the topics of service, character, leadership, and scholarship. They have committed to serving on the State Officer Committee over the coming school year.
Our chapter is excited to implement the lessons learned at the convention and to lead in organizing next year’s convention.