We wish John Bapst student Rion George Joshy ’21 the very best as he, with his video (above), competes in the international academic competition, the 2020 Breakthrough Junior Challenge. His presentation is titled, “Relative Time for a Moving Body (Special Relativity)”.
The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is an annual global competition for students to inspire creative thinking about science. Students from 13 to 18 countries from across the globe are invited to create and submit original videos (maximun length, three minutes) that bring to life a concept or theory in the life sciences, physics or mathematics. This year, there is an additional COVID-19 category. The submissions are judged on the student’s ability to communicate complex scientific ideas in engaging, illuminating, and imaginative ways. The Challenge is organized by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation.
And the prize is significant.
The winner will receive a $250,000 post-secondary scholarship, $50,000 for his or her teacher, and a $100,000 Breakthrough Science Lab for his or her school.
Rion’s interests are physics, mathematics, chemistry and economics, with a concentration on energy. He would eventually like to start a company exploring new technologies and how they might positively impact the economies of various nations.
But it is his interest in time and light that fueled Rion’s video entry. “Time is always a place of interest for me. I had talks with [John Bapst Science faculty member] Mr.Burgess, who cleared up a lot of questions about the speed of light. He also showed me many of his works which motivated me. And I was introduced to the Breakthrough Junior Challenge by [John Bapst School Counselor] Mrs.Walsh. In all these ways, John Bapst has helped me.”
Rion has found that taking this challenge has been a good experience for him. “I can express my knowledge, and the amazing scholarship and prizes would allow me to realize my dreams, as money is a concern. There is a chance that I might have to abandon my dreams because of a lack of money. If I get this scholarship, I can reach my dreams and I perhaps change the world.”