The 2008-2009 Induction Ceremony for the John Bapst Memorial High School Harlow “Joe” Floyd Chapter of the National Honor Society was held March 4 in the school’s Auditorium. New inductees were seniors Lyndsey Brozyna, Maxwell Cutri, Samantha Farnham, Michael Lalime, Tara Nitardy, and Daniel Ward; and juniors Erin Bousfield, Anna Carmack, Marianne Ferguson, Lyndsay Grotton, Amy Haskell, Katy Hein, Nicole Holland, Lucas Hubbard, Omar Khan, Jason McBurnie, Rebecca Musgrave, John Pearson, Brian Rice, Morgan Rublee, and Ian Szydlo.
Current members include seniors Ryan Casey, Amy Cheetham, Kathleen Clark, Andrew Desrosiers, Kelsey Fahey, Charlotte Firestone, Christopher Fogler, Lauren Freeman, Alex Gale, Ashley Gale, Ian Grover, Lydia Horne, Justin Jordan, Margaret Lammert, Jordon Meyers, Lauren Peavey, Phoebe Peckenham, Abigail Perkins, Olivia Simone, and Alexandra Wright. The 2008-2009 officers are President Margaret Lammert, Vice-president Alex Gale, Treasurer Andrew Desrosiers, Secretary Ashley Gale, and Historian Lydia Horne.
John Bapst NHS advisor Beth Campbell explained, “The National Honor Society ranks as one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students, and chapters exist in more than 60 percent of the nation’s high schools. At John Bapst, applicants are considered by a five-member Faculty Council, and new inductees are selected based on four specific criteria: scholarship, service, leadership, and character.”
The Induction Ceremony guest speaker was Mr. P. Andrew Hamilton, Esq., of Eaton Peabody, parent of Katy Hamilton ’07, and current chair of the John Bapst Board of Trustees. Mr. Hamilton is a recognized expert in the area of environmental law. In addition to more than ten years of service on the John Bapst Board of Trustees, Mr. Hamilton has been actively involved in the Boy Scouts of America, Bangor Y, and United Way of Maine.
The evening’s musical performance was provided by Christopher Fogler ’09 on piano and Michael Lalime ’09 on vocals and guitar, who performed “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen.