John Bapst Memorial High School Head Mel MacKay has announced honor parts for the Class of 2010. This year’s valedictorian is Lucas Alexander Hubbard of Holden, and the salutatorian is Anna Elizabeth Carmack of Veazie.
Hubbard has earned numerous academic letters and awards during his four years at John Bapst. A National Merit Finalist and an AP Scholar with Honor, he is the recipient of the Maine Phi Beta Kappa Award and the Joseph P. Sekera High Honors Award. Hubbard is vice-president of the John Bapst National Honor Society, a member of the school’s Key Club, a peer tutor, and a Little League umpire. He is a Math Team Captain, was Math Team High Scorer in grades 9 – 12, was an American Regional Mathematics League (ARML) Invitee for four years, and was the Eastern Maine Math League Champion in his sophomore year. In the athletic arena, Hubbard has lettered in two varsity sports, serving as team captain for both boys’ soccer and tennis. In the latter, he was named to All-Conference First Team Doubles in grade 10 and received All-Conference Honorable Mention Singles in grade 11. Distinguished in both academics and athletics, he was recently named to the Maine Scholar Athlete Hall of Fame. Hubbard is also an accomplished musician. He plays lead trumpet in the state championship Jazz Band, has participated in the All-state Jazz Honors Band and the All-state Classical Festival, was named Outstanding Musician at the 2009 and 2010 State Jazz Festivals, and was Top Scorer among trumpets in the 2010 All-state Jazz and Classical auditions. The son of Marlene and Jon Hubbard of Holden, he intends to pursue his studies at Duke University in the fall.
Carmack has earned numerous academic letters and awards during her four years at John Bapst. She is the recipient of the 2009 Princeton Book Award of Maine, the University of Maine-Society of Women Engineers Award, the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award, and the U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award. Carmack has been recognized as a National Merit Scholarship Finalist and an AP Scholar with Distinction. Earlier this year, Carmack was named one of two Maine recipients of the Siemens/College Board AP Award and a 2010 Presidential Scholars Program Candidate. Carmack is president of the Key Club, a John Bapst Players Stage Manager, and a member of the National Honor Society and Civil Rights Team. A Math Team captain, Carmack was selected for the Maine All-Stars Team and as an ARML Contestant for two years. She has participated in the American Mathematics Competition, the American Institute of Mathematics Exams, and the Math Prize for Girls. In addition to her Key Club work, Carmack has volunteered her time as a John Bapst Student Ambassador, as an Eastern Maine Medical Center Student Volunteer Manager, as a Westgate Manor Alzheimer’s Unit One-on-One Volunteer, and as a Team Captain in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. She was chosen as 1 of 275 nationwide recipients of the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship. In the athletic arena, she lettered in varsity girls soccer and is a Youth Soccer Referee with the Bangor Soccer Club. The daughter of Adrienne and David Carmack of Veazie, she plans to attend Notre Dame, where she will continue her studies in biology and mathematics.