The 2023 Weekly Athletic Schedule (1/9 – 1/14)
Jan. 8, 2023
Good morning.
This week marks our first “full week” of school in a month. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is, as we work our way toward the end of the second quarter, midterm exams, and the end of the first half of the school year! Use the time in the building this week to make sure you communicate with your teachers and get help when necessary and clarification where needed. Work hard this week to make sure you finish the last full week of classes of this ranking period on a strong note.
Use your time wisely because we have another busy week of competitions. All of our teams will be in action this week (finally, right Cheer and Alpine Ski?) and we wish you all well.
As we have talked about before, take care of your bodies. Dress warm. Stay hydrated. Get as much sleep as you can, Eat well. Stretch before you workout. Don’t take these tasks for granted. We want all of you to be healthy for school, for practices, and for competitions.
Support your teammates and classmates…the right way! Once you have taken care of your own commitments, go to competitions when you can to support your school and classmates. We are continuing to develop a reputation for large, loud, and proud student sections. That said, we will act appropriately. Cheer for our team, urge them on, help motivate them when you can, and celebrate their successes. Please do not “cheer against” individuals from other schools. Do not address members of the opposing team directly. Regardless of what others may do, we will be above this behavior. We want you to go to the games. We want you to have fun. We want you to be loud. We want you to be sportsmanlike. Thank you for your help here!
Have a great week, work hard, train correctly, and compete!
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (
Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-9 to 1-14).pdf
Monty Rand Order Form 2022 (2).pdf
John Bapst Athletic Participation Form.pdf
Proof of Physical Exam (1).pdf
2022–23 WInter Sports–Coaches Contact and First Activity.pdf
Tune in to our live events at
The Athletic Calendar is updated frequently by John Bapst staff. If a question arises about a game cancellation, please call the office at 947-0313 or check the John Bapst Athletic Twitter feed at You may also check the John Bapst Athletic Facebook page at