Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-23 to 1-28).pdf
(Due to weather conditions, schedules may change. Watch for updates.)
Friday, Jan. 20, 2023
Good Afternoon,
Sudden Change…subsequent adversity…choosing perseverance! In any sporting event, individual or team based, these three terms are involved somewhere.
Usually, even when we have the best of gameplans, something happens that we did not expect. Our opponent decides to do something different with regard to scheme. A certain situation happens in a game that we didn’t expect. Injuries occur. Weather conditions affect our competitions. All of these sudden changes are often out of our control.
They lead to adversity. If our opponent changes their game plan, it may be because we have displayed a particular weakness in the past and they are trying to expose it and take advantage of it. When an unexpected situation happens, it may not be because of anything we did. When we are hurt, it is more difficult for us to play the way to which we are accustomed. Inclement weather seems to rear its head at the worst of times!
The sudden change happens. Adversity persists. Then what? We have two options. We can get bogged down in the uncertainty, and allow it to affect our mental and physical approach. We can concentrate on the change and the adversity, and let it distract us from our goal. Or we can choose to control the variables we can, push on and commit to the game plan, encourage our teammates, and work toward success.
This past week (and maybe again next week), we all had a plan. Between our tests and activities, we thought we knew what was going to happen. Sudden changes like storms and school cancellations and delays, changed our circumstances. It would be easy to get bogged down in disappointment and the change of schedules.
Don’t choose to focus on distraction. Work hard over the weekend. Be prepared to resume exams when we get that chance and look forward to any postponed competitions as they are rescheduled. And, when we get there, let’s choose to persevere!
Good Luck, compete hard when you can, and cheer each other on!
The 2023 Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-23 to 1-28) is attached.
Coach O
Dan O’Connell–Athletic Director (doconnell@johnbapst.org)
Weekly Athletic Schedule (1-23 to 1-28).pdf
Monty Rand Order Form 2022 (2).pdf
John Bapst Athletic Participation Form.pdf
Proof of Physical Exam (1).pdf
2022–23 WInter Sports–Coaches Contact and First Activity.pdf
Tune in to our live events at JBAthletics.mylivegame.com.
The Athletic Calendar is updated frequently by John Bapst staff. If a question arises about a game cancellation, please call the office at 947-0313 or check the John Bapst Athletic Twitter feed at https://twitter.com/JohnBapstSports. You may also check the John Bapst Athletic Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/JohnBapstAthletics.