We are thrilled to announce that John Bapst Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Dan O’Connell has been presented with the NIAAA State Award of Merit.
The award citation reads as follows: “In recognition of outstanding leadership , and meritorious achievement in interscholastic administration. The 2023 State Award of Merit is presented to Dan O’Connell, C.A.A. by the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association in cooperation with the Maine Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association.”
O’Connell writes, “I am humbled to receive the State Award of Merit for Maine. I am so fortunate to have tremendous support from a terrific school community at John Bapst, excellent colleagues in the field of athletic administration here in our state, and from my own family. Most importantly, I am grateful to work with outstanding student-athletes at John Bapst. Working to provide opportunities for high school kids to learn, grow, and succeed through education-based athletics is a dream come true, and to be recognized for your efforts is such and honor.”
The State Award of Merit may be selected and presented annually in each state. It is an award presented by the state to a National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) member who demonstrates outstanding leadership and meritorious service and achievement in the vocation of interscholastic administration. Selections and presentations are made by each state athletic administrator association and the award is provided by the NIAAA.
The presentation occurred at the 2023 Annual MIAAA Awards Banquet, during the annual conference at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, on Thursday, April 6, 2023.
Congratulations, Coach!