Dec. 10, 2022
Good Afternoon,
The Weekly Athletic Schedule (12/12 to 12/17) is attached.
Good Afternoon.
Good luck to all of our teams in action over the weekend. Compete! Have fun!
The Weekly Athletic Schedule (12-12 to 12-17) is attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Can you believe we are about to start the last week before Holiday break? At the same time, by the close of next week, almost all of our winter programs will be into their regular season (stay patient Alpine Skiers, the snow will come!).
Let’s get off on the right foot, and work hard to earn success. Put the time and effort into practice so you can be successful in competition. Bring a positive attitude and a relentless work ethic. Learn from your coaches and execute the plan created when it’s time to compete. Good luck!
We will have team pictures on Tuesday, 12/13. They will be taken in the gym at John Bapst right after school. The time for each program to arrive is noted on the schedule. Please wear whatever your coach instructs you to wear, and get to your portion of the photo shoot on time. The digital order form is attached to this email. You can order online or you can print the form and bring it on the day of the shoot. EVERYONE SHOULD BE PHOTOGRAPHED. Even if you are not ordering photos, you need to have your picture taken to appear in the team photo. If you do not, you will not be in the photo. Please let us know if you have questions.
We are not on Holiday break yet! Stay committed in the classroom. Work with your teachers to ensure your success. If you are behind, work with your teachers before and after school, and in your study halls to improve. If you are just getting by, go see your teachers to push yourself higher. If you are thriving, communicate with your teachers so you have prolonged success, or even to see how you can help out a fellow student. The theme here is to be sure you are communicating with your teachers!
Finally, remember, practices and games are not optional. Winter sports are a big commitment. Your teammates are counting on you. Family issues and academics come first, but after that, make sure you are where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there. If you are going to be absent, please, let your coaches know.
There are still a few of you that need to turn in a physical form, or your registration form for your winter sport. Those are attached too. Please get them done and either email them to Coach O or turn them into the main office. Thank you!
Let’s have a great week! GO CRUSADERS!
Coach O
Weekly Athletic Schedule (12-12 to 12-17).pdf
Monty Rand Order Form 2022 (2).pdf
John Bapst Athletic Participation Form.pdf
Proof of Physical Exam (1).pdf
2022–23 WInter Sports–Coaches Contact and First Activity.pdf
Tune in to our live events at
The Athletic Calendar is updated frequently by John Bapst staff. If a question arises about a game cancellation, please call the office at 947-0313 or check the John Bapst Athletic Twitter feed at You may also check the John Bapst Athletic Facebook page at