Enjoy The John Bapst Players presentation of “Murder’s In The Heir,” and help solve the unseen murder of tyrannical billionaire Simon Starkweather at the reading of his will!
Turn the game Clue into a play and you have the masterfully entertaining Murder’s In The Heir! Almost every character in this hilarious mystery by Billy St. John has the weapon, opportunity, and motive to commit the unseen murder. It’s up to the audience to decide who actually did it! Only at the play’s unique ending, utilizing secret ballots gathered at intermission, will the culprit be determined in this maze of murder.
Friday, November 3, 2023, 7 p.m.
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 7 p.m.
John Bapst Memorial High School
Sekera Auditorium,
100 Broadway
Tickets are $5 online and may be purchased now or are $7 at the door the night of the performance.